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A set of operations to apply to columns and DataMatrix objects.

function auto_type(dm)

Requires fastnumbers

Converts all columns of type MixedColumn to IntColumn if all values are integer numbers, or FloatColumn if all values are non-integer numbers.

from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.A = 'a'
dm.B = 1
dm.C = 1.1
dm_new = ops.auto_type(dm)
print('dm_new.A: %s' % type(dm_new.A))
print('dm_new.B: %s' % type(dm_new.B))
print('dm_new.C: %s' % type(dm_new.C))


dm_new.A: <class 'datamatrix._datamatrix._mixedcolumn.MixedColumn'>
dm_new.B: <class 'datamatrix._datamatrix._numericcolumn.IntColumn'>
dm_new.C: <class 'datamatrix._datamatrix._numericcolumn.FloatColumn'>


  • dm -- No description
    • Type: DataMatrix


No description

  • Type: DataMatrix

function bin_split(col, bins)

Splits a DataMatrix into bins; that is, the DataMatrix is first sorted by a column, and then split into equal-size (or roughly equal-size) bins.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.A = 1, 0, 3, 2, 4
dm.B = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
for bin, dm in enumerate(ops.bin_split(dm.A, bins=3)):
   print('bin %d' % bin)


bin 0
| # | A | B |
| 1 | 0 | b |
bin 1
| # | A | B |
| 0 | 1 | a |
| 3 | 2 | d |
bin 2
| # | A | B |
| 2 | 3 | c |
| 4 | 4 | e |


  • col -- The column to split by.
    • Type: BaseColumn
  • bins -- The number of bins.
    • Type: int


A generator that iterates over the bins.

function fullfactorial(dm, ignore=u'')

Requires numpy

Creates a new DataMatrix that uses a specified DataMatrix as the base of a full-factorial design. That is, each value of every row is combined with each value from every other row. For example:


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=2)
dm.A = 'x', 'y'
dm.B = 3, 4
dm = ops.fullfactorial(dm)


| # | A | B |
| 0 | x | 3 |
| 1 | y | 3 |
| 2 | x | 4 |
| 3 | y | 4 |


  • dm -- The source DataMatrix.
    • Type: DataMatrix


  • ignore -- A value that should be ignored.
    • Default: ''

function group(dm, by)

Requires numpy

Groups the DataMatrix by unique values in a set of grouping columns. Grouped columns are stored as SeriesColumns. The columns that are grouped should contain numeric values. The order in which groups appear in the grouped DataMatrix is unpredictable.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=4)
dm.A = 'x', 'x', 'y', 'y'
dm.B = 0, 1, 2, 3
dm =, by=dm.A)
print('Grouped by A:')


| # | A | B |
| 0 | x | 0 |
| 1 | x | 1 |
| 2 | y | 2 |
| 3 | y | 3 |
Grouped by A:
| # | A |    B    |
| 0 | y | [2. 3.] |
| 1 | x | [0. 1.] |


  • dm -- The DataMatrix to group.
    • Type: DataMatrix
  • by -- A column or list of columns to group by.
    • Type: BaseColumn, list


A grouped DataMatrix.

  • Type: DataMatrix

function keep_only(dm, *cols)

Removes all columns from the DataMatrix, except those listed in cols.

Version note: As of 0.11.0, the preferred way to select a subset of columns is using the dm = dm[('col1', 'col2')] notation.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.A = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
dm.B = range(5)
dm.C = range(5, 10)
dm_new = ops.keep_only(dm, dm.A, dm.C)


| # | A | C |
| 0 | a | 5 |
| 1 | b | 6 |
| 2 | c | 7 |
| 3 | d | 8 |
| 4 | e | 9 |


  • dm -- No description
    • Type: DataMatrix

Argument list:

  • *cols: A list of column names, or column objects.

function pivot_table(dm, values, index, columns, *args, **kwargs)

Requires pandas

Version note: New in 0.14.1

Creates a pivot table where rows correspond to levels of index, columns correspond to levels of columns, and cells contain aggregate values of values.

A typical use for a pivot table is to create a summary report for a data set. For example, in an experiment where reaction times of human participants were measured on a large number of trials under different conditions, each row might correspond to one participant, each column to an experimental condition (or a combination of experimental conditions), and cells might contain mean reaction times.

This function is a wrapper around the pandas.pivot_table(). For an overview of possible *args and **kwargs, see this page.


from datamatrix import operations as ops, io

dm = io.readtxt('data/fratescu-replication-data-exp1.csv')
pm = ops.pivot_table(dm, values=dm.RT_search, index=dm.subject_nr,


| #  |         1          |         2          |
| 0  |  691.393451812936  | 678.3091036076119  |
| 1  | 1037.4137452306413 | 1076.5579254730912 |
| 2  | 725.8907459323649  | 740.7180629199368  |
| 3  | 690.0324213757542  | 663.2912040537004  |
| 4  | 1061.9616479996344 | 1066.694913085751  |
| 5  | 878.9107412950773  | 868.7606042917906  |
| 6  | 772.3190416083047  | 751.7079807753719  |
| 7  | 640.5894986370438  | 620.1758912269404  |
| 8  | 591.1702219508884  | 576.4774491644316  |
| 9  | 610.0829479542426  | 582.0857663440086  |
| 10 | 912.6923951234676  | 885.8144986324572  |
| 11 | 776.5285874867564  | 744.9990142569052  |
| 12 | 811.9071031332232  | 808.8067775165715  |
| 13 | 763.8125378568926  |  756.239461402817  |
| 14 | 629.1304692714401  | 614.8002285032511  |
| 15 | 1138.8041812832648 | 1099.0619141121608 |
| 16 | 669.6717745408761  | 665.5764135306341  |
| 17 |  667.380042786298  | 654.8964957059492  |
| 18 | 696.0044456339372  | 682.9299482924577  |
| 19 | 703.5121217687149  | 688.2862053908701  |
(+ 36 rows not shown)


  • dm -- The source DataMatrix.
    • Type: DataMatrix
  • values -- A column or list of columns to aggregate.
    • Type: BaseColumn, str, list
  • index -- A column or list of columns to separate rows by.
    • Type: BaseColumn, str, list
  • columns -- A column or list of columns to separate columns by.
    • Type: BaseColumn, str, list

Argument list:

  • *args: No description.

Keyword dict:

  • **kwargs: No description.


No description

  • Type: DataMatrix

function random_sample(obj, k)

New in v0.11.0

Takes a random sample of k rows from a DataMatrix or column. The order of the rows in the returned DataMatrix is random.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.A = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
dm = ops.random_sample(dm, k=3)


  • obj -- No description
    • Type: DataMatrix, BaseColumn
  • k -- No description
    • Type: int


A random sample from a DataMatrix or column.

  • Type: DataMatrix, BaseColumn

function replace(col, mappings={})

Replaces values in a column by other values.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=3)
dm.old = 0, 1, 2 = ops.replace(dm.old, {0 : 'a', 2 : 'c'})


| # | A | C |
| 0 | a | 5 |
| 1 | b | 6 |
| 2 | c | 7 |
| 3 | d | 8 |
| 4 | e | 9 |


  • col -- The column to weight by.
    • Type: BaseColumn


  • mappings -- A dict where old values are keys and new values are values.
    • Type: dict
    • Default: {}

function shuffle(obj)

Shuffles a DataMatrix or a column. If a DataMatrix is shuffled, the order of the rows is shuffled, but values that were in the same row will stay in the same row.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.A = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
dm.B = ops.shuffle(dm.A)


| # | A | B |
| 0 | a | a |
| 1 | b | b |
| 2 | c | e |
| 3 | d | d |
| 4 | e | c |


  • obj -- No description
    • Type: DataMatrix, BaseColumn


The shuffled DataMatrix or column.

  • Type: DataMatrix, BaseColumn

function shuffle_horiz(*obj)

Shuffles a DataMatrix, or several columns from a DataMatrix, horizontally. That is, the values are shuffled between columns from the same row.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.A = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
dm.B = range(5)
dm = ops.shuffle_horiz(dm.A, dm.B)


| # | A | B |
| 0 | a | 0 |
| 1 | b | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | c |
| 3 | d | 3 |
| 4 | e | 4 |

Argument list:

  • *desc: A list of BaseColumns, or a single DataMatrix.
  • *obj: No description.


The shuffled DataMatrix.

  • Type: DataMatrix

function sort(obj, by=None)

Sorts a column or DataMatrix. In the case of a DataMatrix, a column must be specified to determine the sort order. In the case of a column, this needs to be specified if the column should be sorted by another column.

The sort order is as follows:

  • -INF
  • int and float values in increasing order
  • INF
  • str values in alphabetical order, where uppercase letters come first
  • None
  • NAN

You can also sort columns (but not DataMatrix objects) using the built-in sorted() function. However, when sorting different mixed types, this may lead to Exceptions or (in the case of NAN values) unpredictable results.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=3)
dm.A = 2, 0, 1
dm.B = 'a', 'b', 'c'
dm = ops.sort(dm, by=dm.A)


| # | A | B |
| 1 | 0 | b |
| 2 | 1 | c |
| 0 | 2 | a |


  • obj -- No description
    • Type: DataMatrix, BaseColumn


  • by -- The sort key, that is, the column that is used for sorting the DataMatrix, or the other column.
    • Type: BaseColumn
    • Default: None


The sorted DataMatrix, or the sorted column.

  • Type: DataMatrix, BaseColumn

function split(col, *values)

Splits a DataMatrix by unique values in a column.

Version note: As of 0.12.0, split() accepts multiple columns as shown below.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=4)
dm.A = 0, 0, 1, 1
dm.B = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
# If no values are specified, a (value, DataMatrix) iterator is
# returned.
print('Splitting by a single column')
for A, sdm in ops.split(dm.A):
    print('sdm.A = %s' % A)
# You can also split by multiple columns at the same time.
print('Splitting by two columns')
for A, B, sdm in ops.split(dm.A, dm.B):
    print('sdm.A = %s, sdm.B = %s' % (A, B))
# If values are specific an iterator over DataMatrix objects is
# returned.
print('Splitting by values')
dm_a, dm_c = ops.split(dm.B, 'a', 'c')
print('dm.B == "a"')
print('dm.B == "c"')


Splitting by a single column
sdm.A = 0
| # | A | B |
| 0 | 0 | a |
| 1 | 0 | b |
sdm.A = 1
| # | A | B |
| 2 | 1 | c |
| 3 | 1 | d |
Splitting by two columns
sdm.A = 0, sdm.B = a
sdm.A = 0, sdm.B = b
sdm.A = 1, sdm.B = c
sdm.A = 1, sdm.B = d
Splitting by values
dm.B == "a"
| # | A | B |
| 0 | 0 | a |
dm.B == "c"
| # | A | B |
| 2 | 1 | c |


  • col -- The column to split by.
    • Type: BaseColumn

Argument list:

  • *values: Splits the DataMatrix based on these values. If this is provided, an iterator over DataMatrix objects is returned, rather than an iterator over (value, DataMatrix) tuples.


A iterator over (value, DataMatrix) tuples if no values are provided; an iterator over DataMatrix objects if values are provided.

  • Type: Iterator

function weight(col)

Weights a DataMatrix by a column. That is, each row from a DataMatrix is repeated as many times as the value in the weighting column.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=3)
dm.A = 1, 2, 0
dm.B = 'x', 'y', 'z'
dm = ops.weight(dm.A)
print('Weighted by A:')


| # | A | B |
| 0 | 1 | x |
| 1 | 2 | y |
| 2 | 0 | z |
Weighted by A:
| # | A | B |
| 0 | 1 | x |
| 1 | 2 | y |
| 2 | 2 | y |


  • col -- The column to weight by.
    • Type: BaseColumn


No description

  • Type: DataMatrix

function z(col)

Transforms a column into z scores such that the mean of all values is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.

Version note: As of 0.13.2, z() returns a FloatColumn when a regular column is give. For non-numeric values, the z score is NAN. If the standard deviation is 0, z scores are also NAN.

Version note: As of 0.15.3, z() also accepts series columns, in which case the series is z-transformed such that the grand mean of all samples is 0, and the grand standard deviation of all samples is 1.


from datamatrix import DataMatrix, operations as ops

dm = DataMatrix(length=5)
dm.col = range(5)
dm.z = ops.z(dm.col)


| # | col |          z          |
| 0 |  0  | -1.2649110640673518 |
| 1 |  1  | -0.6324555320336759 |
| 2 |  2  |         0.0         |
| 3 |  3  |  0.6324555320336759 |
| 4 |  4  |  1.2649110640673518 |


  • col -- The column to transform.
    • Type: BaseColumn


No description

  • Type: BaseColumn