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Working with large data (dynamic loading)

Dynamic loading of large data

When working with large datasets, especially those containing multidimensional data, the available memory easily becomes a limiting factor. For example, a multidimensional column of shape (2000, 500, 500) takes 3.7 Gb of memory.

DataMatrix automatically offloads multidimensional columns to disk when memory is running low. Let's see how this works by creating a DataMatrix with a single column of shape (2000, 500, 500). (The first dimension corresponds to the length of the DataMatrix.) On its own, this column easily fits in memory, and we can use the loaded property to verify that the column has indeed been loaded into memory.

from datamatrix import DataMatrix, MultiDimensionalColumn

dm = DataMatrix(length=2000)
dm.large_data1 = MultiDimensionalColumn(shape=(500, 500))
print(f'large_data1 loaded: {dm.large_data1.loaded}')


large_data1 loaded: True

However, if we add another column of the same size, memory starts to run low. Therefore, the old column (large_data1) is offloaded to disk, while the newly created column (large_data2) is held in memory. This happens automatically.

dm.large_data2 = MultiDimensionalColumn(shape=(500, 500))
print(f'large_data1 loaded: {dm.large_data1.loaded}')
print(f'large_data2 loaded: {dm.large_data2.loaded}')


large_data1 loaded: False
large_data2 loaded: True

DataMatrix tries to keep the most recently used columns in memory, and offloads the least recently used columns to disk. Therefore, if we assign the value 0 to large_data1, this column gets loaded into memory, while large_data2 is offloaded to disk.

import numpy as np

dm.large_data1 = 0
print(f'large_data1 loaded: {dm.large_data1.loaded}')
print(f'large_data2 loaded: {dm.large_data2.loaded}')


large_data1 loaded: True
large_data2 loaded: False

You can also manually force columns to be loaded into memory or offloaded to disk by changing the loaded property.

dm.large_data1.loaded = False
print(f'large_data1 loaded: {dm.large_data1.loaded}')
print(f'large_data2 loaded: {dm.large_data2.loaded}')


large_data1 loaded: False
large_data2 loaded: False

Individual column sizes should not exceed available memory

Dynamic loading works best when columns do not, by themselves, exceed the available memory, even though the total size of the DataMatrix may exceed the available memory. For example, dynamic loading works well for a 16 Gb system when working with a DataMatrix that consists of 3 multidimensional columns of 8 Gb. Here, the total size of the DataMatrix is 3 × 4 = 24 Gb, which exceeds the 16 Gb of available memory; however, each column on its own is only 8 Gb, which does not exceed the available memory.

It is aso possible (though not recommended) to create columns that, by themselves, exceed the available memory, such as a 24 Gb column on a 16 Gb system. However, many numerical operations, such as taking the mean or standard deviation, will cause all data to be loaded into memory, thus causing Python to crash due to insufficient memory.

Implementation details

When a column is offloaded to disk, a numpy.memmap object is created instead of a regular numpy.ndarray. This object is mapped onto a hidden temporary file in the current working directory. Depending on the operating system, this temporary file is either invisible (unlinked) or has the extension .memmap.

See also: